25 de agosto de 2020
“The detail of the pattern is movement”

T.S. Eliot via Caroline Shaw’s song “Partita no. 1 Allemande”

29 de julio de 2020
“Mi cuerpo laxo habla, mi lengua no tiene musculatura. No habla. Subiré para arriba agarrado fuertemente de la vasija, subirá el tonto baboso que soy. Mi lengua es tan difícil que no impide que se me caiga la baba y mancho de baba la vasija que ahora se ha convertido en una pantorrilla y quizás así se me pegue un poquito de musculatura. ”

Fragmento de: Diamela Eltit. “Tres Novelas”. iBooks.

13 de julio de 2020
“my mother(‘s) tongue is often for me just as foreign as any other”


13 de julio de 2020
“ Eltit inscribirá una y otra vez su palabra. Lo corporal no sólo es frontera de lo decible; deviene el territorio de lo indecible.”

Fragmento de: Diamela Eltit. “Tres Novelas”. iBooks.

19 de octubre de 2019
“the very impossibility of your reading this is all that makes my telling it possible.”

“No object is in a constant relationship with pleasure, wrote Barthes. For the writer, however, it is the mother tongue. But what if the mother tongue is stunted? What if that tongue is not only the symbol of a void, but is itself a void, what if the tongue is cut out? Can one take pleasure in loss without losing oneself entirely? The Vietnamese I own is the one you gave me, the one whose diction and syntax reach only the second-grade level.”

Notas sobre: Ocean Vuong. “On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous”. iBooks.