Gaceta Móvil

As head of publications at Fundación Alumnos47, my goal was to publish spaces and moments for artistic experimenting, gathering and interacting as well as explore language in contemporary art with publications as a starting point. Publications were carried through under a system of editorial residencies, where collaboration and close contact amongst artists, writers, editors, curators and designers were required. These characters all experiment within a space where provocations were discussed, produced and distributed.

One of the main publics at the foundation were kids, reason I developed a magazine devoted to them. Mobile Gazette is an experimental editorial project for children that responds to just one challenge: to depict ideas and games in response to chaos using solely visual language. No words. Artists were invited to collaborate with that instruction and the result is a delirious meeting point for storytelling and hidden messages about sexuality, chance and identity.

For my contribution, I wrote an interpretation of Alice in Wonderland with emojis and made a symbolic map of sunset and feelings.


  • Concept, Editing and Writing by Eva Posas, proposed for Fundación Alumnos47

  • Published by Fundación Alumnos47, Mexico City

  • 2017

  • Participant Authors: Coin Drop, Diana Cantarey, Diego Leal, Isaac Olvera, Jesús Domínguez and Mariana Alfaro

  • PDF Gaceta Móvil 3 
